

Puppy Primary School Dates

- FRIDAYs at 5:40 pm from the 17th of September until the 12th of November (no class on the 1st of...


The last 2in1 course this year

Start: Sunday the 19th of September at 10:30 AM, last class: 14th of November (no classes on the 3rd of...


2in1 - Adolescent dog classes -August dates

- SATURDAY 1pm - from the 7th of August until the 9th of October (no class on the 11th of September and...

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Maddie and Morgan

Ruth and Alan with Maddie and Morgan

My husband and I have really enjoyed attending the level 1 puppy training course with Gosia with our cocker spaniel pups Maddie and Mor...

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Sam and Giuliana Weston with Hetti

Gosia and her team were fantastic at helping us train our pup. They clearly love dogs and were very patient with our excitable cocker s...

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Lynda with Holly

Thank you very much for having myself and Holly at the puppy classes. I learnt so much at the training sessions and I feel much more co...

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